The Company has established the following procedures regarding requests for disclosure, deletion, correction, suspension of use, etc. from the principal or his / her agent regarding personal information held by the Company.

  • Disclosure request procedures

    1. Requests for disclosure, correction, suspension of use, etc. based on the Personal Information Protection Law can be made by mail.
    2. Obtain the appropriate documents from "(1) Application form to be submitted when requesting disclosure, etc." in "Required documents for requesting disclosure" below.
    3. Fill out the application form, and please mail the application and a copy of public certificate (license, resident's card, etc.) that can confirm that you are the person or agent listed in "(2) Identity (agent) confirmation document".In addition, personal information acquired through procedures for disclosure requests will be handled only to the extent necessary for responding to disclosure requests.
    4. We will prepare a response and mail it to the address listed in "(2) Identity (agent) confirmation document" or by e-mail.
      However, in the following cases, disclosure may be refused based on laws and regulations:
      • If we cannot identify the personal information we hold from the contents of the request form
      • When proxy rights cannot be confirmed for requests from agents
      • If there are any deficiencies in the prescribed documents
      • If we cannot identify the personal information we hold from the contents of the request form
      • When the disclosure request does not fall under "Retained Personal Data" in Article 2, Paragraph 7 of the Japanese Act on the Protection of Personal Information
      • When there is a risk of harming the life, body, property or other rights and interests of the person or a third party
      • When there is a risk of significant hindrance to the proper implementation of our business
      • When it violates other laws and regulations
  • Required documents for requesting disclosure

    1. Application form to be submitted when requesting disclosure, etc.
      In any of the following cases, the personal information disclosure request form.
      1. Request for disclosure of personal information or notification of purpose of use
      2. When requesting correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use of personal information or suspension of provision to a third party
    2. Identity (agent) confirmation document
      [In the case of a request for disclosure by the person]
      Next (A), (B) and (C)
      1. Any one of the following
        1. Copy of the ID
          * It's restricted to something effective and the ID for the government issue. You need a page for a page with a picture and an owner input field in a face.
        2. Copy of your passport
          * Limited to the expiration date and passport issued by the government. You will need a page with a photo of the face and a page for the owner entry field.
      2. Any one of the following
          • Driver's license or driving history certificate
            * If the current address is written on the back side of the product that is within the expiration date, a copy of the back side is also required.
          • Receipts for electricity and gas
            *Attach one of the latest 3 months.
      3. One SELPHY photo taken with the identity verification document by hand
        1. If you live in a country other than your nationality, please attach your period of residence and permanent residence certificate.

      [In the case of a request for disclosure by an agent]
      Everything from (i) to (iii)

      1. Either (A) or (B) above
      2. Either (A) or (B) of the agent himself
      3. The Power of attorney regarding requests for disclosure of personal information prescribed by the Company signed by the person

      Please check the following before submitting documents

      • Does the address entered at the time of application match the address on the identity verification document?
        * Check that you have entered the address, building name, and room number.
      • Do you have ID selfies (photos showing the submitted documents and the person you are together with)?
      • Is your ID selfie photo clear?
        * If the photo / address on the face of the confirmation document is unclear, we may ask you to resubmit it.
      • Can you clearly confirm your address, name and date of birth?
        * If the image is unclear, we may ask you to resubmit it.
      • Are the documents you submit within the expiration date? If there is a back side, can you clearly check the contents?
        * If the address has been changed, please check that it matches the current address you applied for.
        * If the photo on the back is unclear, we may ask you to resubmit.
  • Estimated answer deadline

    The standard is to respond within 15 business days after all billing documents have been received. Please forgive that the answer will be delayed for a while during the year-end and New Year holidays, Golden Week, and summer holidays.

  • Where to send the personal information disclosure request form

    TG Building 7F, 15-19 Ichibancho, Mishima City, Shizuoka Prefecture,Japan 411-0036

    To JP21 Inc. Personal Information Manager

The governing language of this Agreement shall be Japanese. If a translation is created for reference, only the Japanese original shall have the effect of a contract and such translation shall have no effect.